How to download available data
An earlier question asked "How do I download", and got the answer "the resources must through a validation process first". This answer I fully understand, and it probably holds for the (currently) 4 resources marked with "Under validation".
But how do I download the 21 resources that are marked as valid (i.e. marked with licenses)?
All the resources stored within the ELRC repository are submitted first to the European Commission (DGT). Once the data has been harvested by the Commission (and this step validated), the consortium will put the data on public repositories (such as ELRA & META-SHARE) for a wider use. We do not expect this to happen before end of 2016.
However, if you have specific requirements for your project, please let us know and we will do our best to find the most suitable solution for you. You may contact us by email or skype for further discussion (see contact information here: by The ELRC Helpdesk Team
- at 8 years, 8 months ago